Sunday 2 September 2012

That Awkward first post

Well Hello there,

Yes, this would that awkward first post... I don't know why, but it always seems a little hard to start things off.
My blog will be full of general ramblings from me, I'm 24, married with a beautiful baby daughter, currently 9 months old and time is flying by (far to quick for my liking), I'm not sure where this Blog will end up going but for now its abit of general nonsense about life, nitty gritty Mummy and marriage life, ups and downs, new experiences as well as trying to set up my own little business (more to come of that).

So please come along for the journey, i cant guarantee a magical carpet ride like Aladdin (oh i do love a bit of Disney) but I'm sure we'll have some laughs along the way.

Zoe x


  1. You will soon get in the swing of it :)happy blogging x

  2. im a fellow newbie, i wish you all the best :)
